Casa Security

5 Home Security Dos and Don’ts for Apartment Dwellers

According to the National Crime Prevention Council, apartments are 85 per cent more likely to be burglarised than single-family homes or rental properties. Since you can’t expect your landlord to give you the highest level of apartment security, it is a responsibility every homeowner should prioritise when moving into their new apartment. In this article, we will be going over the home security do’s and don’ts for apartment dwellers to ensure your and your belongings’ safety! 

  • Install a security system

When purchasing an apartment, it may or may not include a security system. If it doesn’t have one, speak with your landlord about installing one that doesn’t need taking down walls and installing extensive wiring. Lucky for us, in the modern age, there are numerous security systems available that provide us with various alternatives to choose from. There are a multitude of security systems that can be controlled and viewed via smartphone or computer to keep track of the safety of your apartment even if you aren’t home. 

If your landlord isn’t open to the idea of you installing a security system, you can choose a non-obstructive system with motion detectors that can easily be detached if you decide to move. Numerous security systems are designed specifically for apartment life and are relatively cheap and straightforward to install. Installation may be completed in less than 30 minutes, with no complex technical balderdash when setting it up. The next time you leave your home for a business trip or vacation, you’ll be able to enjoy knowing your apartment is safe and secure.

  • Get to know your neighbours

Whether or not you like socialising with your neighbours, it’s always a good idea to get to know them. You don’t necessarily need to be “best” friends with them, but making sure you establish yourself as a fellow resident will benefit you in the long run. When neighbours know one another, they are more likely to keep an eye out for suspicious conduct and alert others if they notice anything amiss. Keep an eye out for people in your apartment complex that you can establish a good relationship with. Engage them in conversation in familiar locations such as the hallway, the lobby, or perhaps in the elevator. The best security system is one established with a community.

  • Make sure your doors and your windows are secure

The majority of break-ins occur due to unlocked doors and windows. If your locks do not make you feel safe and secure, you may want to consider an improvement or request that your landlord updates the door’s standard locks. Check with your landlord if they could be interested in installing a digital or smart lock if you wish to get a much more technologically advanced lock. You can also choose a double-cylinder deadbolt or a mortise lock for added security. Installing additional door locks, such as chain locks or a door reinforcement lock, is another approach to ensure the safety of your flat.

Moreover, if your apartment has sliding patio doors or windows, they must be equipped with a security bar for added protection. You can also talk to your landlord about securing external doors to laundry rooms, kitchens and other common places that you share with other people. You want to ensure that nobody else has access to your apartment since you never know how many duplicate copies of your keys are out there, and your landlord should give you a heads up before using their keys to enter an apartment.

  • Add adequate light to your front door

Ensure that the path to the front door of your rental home is well-lit. Consider also battery-powered lanterns and route lighting. If you are attempting to conserve energy, you can install timers that automatically switch your lights on and off. If your front door is well lit, it can prevent possible intruders. Notify your landlord immediately if any of your apartment’s lights are dead or if you believe that extra lighting will enhance the safety of your apartment. Also, if you’re going to be out of town for a vacation or visiting family members, it’s a good idea to set timers for your television and lights to give the impression that someone is home. 

  • Do not give away your location on your social media

Many of us don’t realise this, but we tend to overshare many things on social media, which is more dangerous than we think. We all enjoy sharing vacation photographs on social media. However, you do not believe that by doing so, you are alerting everyone, including prospective intruders, that your home is vacant. One of the most significant errors is to post about your trip while you are still on it.

Criminals in this modern age can stalk your stories or posts to determine when you are away, so they can easily break into your apartment while you are away. Your family and work should be the only individuals that need to be aware of your travel plans and getaways. When you are away from home and want to show your vacation spot and photos with family and friends, you should use direct messaging or email them rather than posting it all over social media.

Final thoughts 

The excitement of moving to a new place is even better when you know that your new home is safe. To keep your apartment safe, you have to exert the effort to make sure you won’t have any unwanted visitors. Be sure to ask your landlord or the management company for your apartment complex for more inquiries about your apartment’s safety if you deem it to be necessary. If you have any questions about home security systems, feel free to visit Casa Security for more information.